YangZhou RunQi Toelectric Technology Co. Ltd.
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  • Light source knowledge
  • 2018-6-6 阅读次数:[2049]
  • light source
    Because of their different luminous conditions, the light source has different photoelectric characteristics. In order to select lighting sources correctly, it is necessary to know their electrical characteristics, photoelectric characteristics and suitable occasions.
    1. The classification of the light source:
    The classification of lighting sources is classified according to the form of luminescence. It can be divided into two categories: radiant light source and gas discharge lighting source. The former uses electric current through wire to heat it into incandescent state and sends out visible light; the latter is the use of atoms of certain elements to generate radiation by electrons.
    The noun interpretation of lamps and lanterns
    Luminaire efficiency:
    Luminaire efficiency refers to the ratio of the luminous flux emitted by luminaire to the sum of the luminous flux measured by all light sources in the luminaire under specified conditions.
    1/2 illuminance angle
    When the light axis is perpendicular to the horizontal plane under the light, as the horizontal illumination is 1/2 below the light axis, the angle between this point and the center of light and the axis of the light is called the angle of the 1/2 illuminance.
    Arrangement distance of luminaire
    The distance between the two adjacent lamps of the same type of luminaire is L, and the installation height of the lamp is H, and the distance is =L/H.
    Embedded lamps and lanterns: lamps and lanterns made entirely of partially embedded surface.
    Ordinary lamps and lanterns: provide protection for live parts, but there is no special dust proof solid foreign matter and waterproof grade lamps.
    Selection of lamps and lanterns:
    In lighting design, the main factors that should be considered in the selection of lamps and lanterns are:
    Luminance, color rendering and glare of lamps and lanterns.
    Environmental requirements and protective requirements when using the environment.
    Coordination, whether the exterior of the luminaire is in harmony with the building and interior decoration.
    Economy, such as luminaire efficiency, electric power consumption, investment operation cost, energy saving effect, etc.
    Lighting quality
    A, glare:
    In the field of vision, objects with bright brightness or strong contrast of brightness can cause discomfort or reduce vision. This is called glare. Glare can be divided into disability glare and discomfort light. Any glare that reduces the eyesight of people's eyes is called discomfort glare. Glare is one of the important factors that affect the quality of lighting.
    The causes of glare are:
    Due to the high brightness of the stimulus. Make the pupil narrow.
    Because of the scattering of cornea crystals and other intraocular tissues, a light curtain is formed in the eye.
    Because the retina is stimulated by high brightness, it can damage the adaptive state.
    The main factors that produce glare in lamps and lanterns:
    The brightness of the light source (the higher the brightness, the more significant the glare).
    The location of the light source (closer to the line of sight, the more prominent the glare).
    The larger the surface size and the larger the surface area, the more the number of light sources, the more significant the glare.
    The surrounding environment (the darker the ambient brightness is, the lower the adaptation luminance of the eyes, the more prominent the glare.)
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Address:Guo Ji industrial concentrated area in Gaoyou, Yangzhou